Monday, 13 July 2015

Pre-Slotta Dwarves Are Not Gnomes!!

Dwarves have always been my favourite fantasy force.

But they sure are sensitive.

And rather clannish.

 And oi, the arguments!  If it is not the whole First Compendium...

...vs. Second Compendium thing...

Then it's the "Dwarves"...

or "Dwarfs" kerfuffle.

Thankfully, Lord Asgard keeps this all in check.

And keeps everyone calm.

But by Grungni, let's not disturb this hard-earned calm by calling Pre-Slotta Dwarves (and Dwarfs) Gnomes!!

Lord Asgard says, "Thank you."


  1. Excellent, great to see so many Pre-Slotta Dwarves. Good mix of Fantasy Tribes and C Series pre Slotta Dwarves there.

    Nice to see some of the orginal Standard Bearers as well. I had quite forgotten that that old style of Bombard was used by Pre-Slotta Dwaves, I'll have to dig mine out and paint it.

    The photographs of them in the valley remind me of the artwork in the 2nd Edition Rulebook of Dwarves defending a pass.

    1. Hi Goblin Lee, nice to see you here. This post was brought about by your wonderful pre-slotta project (The Goblin Wars) that you have going on.

      And thanks, those Standard Bearers are great, but so fragile. I have another two that need some greenstuff before they see action again. As for the Bombards, I have been tempted in the past to add wheels to them, they just seem so impractical for a campaign army, but Dwarves being stubborn Dwarves, I'm not allowed to change'em! Thanks for popping by.

  2. What a collection, precariously placed under a pile of balanced rocks!!! Love the tired unit of guards resting on halberds. Remember the Ral Partha CS mini dwarfs were renamed Gnomes? Grrrrrrr.

    1. Hi Springinsfeld, thanks! Dwarves like to live dangerously and challenge the laws of gravity! (I also had to make sure nobody bumped into the table while I was taking the pics - kids and creatures running wild in the yard and all that.) And thanks too about the Halberds - they are my most favourite unit in the Fantasy Tribe army (although the models are from the King's Court set). That unit is such veteran group - they have seen it all and they're all a bit tired of it! As for the Ral Partha mini Dwarves, yes, the nerve! But I must quietly admit that I too have used them as Gnomes. Please don't tell anyone...


  3. hilarious. I am at this time assembling a force of the old
    fantasy Tribes Dwarves to use as gnomes. You have a lovely collection. I remember some of those guys from the Plain of Crows battle.

    1. Hey Mouse,

      Thanks! But oh no! FT guys as Gnomes! That just might start up the whole return march on Thunder Mountain!! And yes, many of the lads in the above pics reminisce very fondly about their participation in that most famous of Dwarf vs Dwarf battles!

  4. Ah, the old 1st and 2nd Compendium Wars - terrible days indeed!

    As always a joy to look at and entertaining to boot - great rock balancing skills too!

    1. Hi Thantsants,

      Aye, those horrible, no-mercy asked nor given wars of the Compendiums! Afraid they still might be raging! Some even talk of taking it onto the seas!

      And thanks, Thantsants, always great to have you hang out here. As for the rock balancing skills, truth be told, there is a little bit of white glue involved in the most precarious-looking formation.

  5. That is truly a breathtaking amount of gorgeous/precious lead. I love the standards with their "clan" names. But that creepy giant gnome god scares the pants off of me.

    1. Hi Matthew,

      Sorry, I just noticed this now - the poor blog, and interneting in general, has been rather neglected as of late. But thanks! And it is okay about the Giant Gnome god, he really is quite friendly and benign as giant, gnome gods go. Even in the dead of night. Even in the dead of night when one is home alone with the lights out and only the glow of an old computer screen for comfort...okay, you're right, he's starting to freak me out now too!
