Saturday, 31 December 2016

A Couple Of Pics From A Couple Of First Edition Warhammer Games

Playing with some recent photos fired up the desire to actually post something again.  These are from two different games.

1.  Thistlewood:

2.  "...and, oh, a Balrog is Toughness F and has 15 Wounds..."

Happy New Year!


  1. Some classic figures in a great setting. Glad to see that you're not asleep in a cave somewhere for a thousand years like a hero of olde.
    All the best for 2017.

    1. Hi Ross,

      Yes, out for the moment, although it is hard 'cause the cave is so cosy and conducive to 40mm gaming! Great to have you drop by, Ross! All the best to you too for 2017!

  2. Private Weird!!! You're back!!! That looks like it was a great many splendid classic minis...Ral Partha Lord of Chaos, Fantasy Tribes Orcs...sweet! Happy New Year!

    1. Hey, hey Mouse,

      Thanks! Two different games throwing a bunch of old favourites and new friends onto the tables. My son and I just had a crazy 8th Edition game yesterday filled with six different Dwarf Clans trying to stop an Evil Horde. I might post that sometime soon. It is nice to be playing Fantasy again. Happy New Year to you, Mouse!

  3. Great stuff as ever, really nice recreation of the Thistlewood village.

    "You shall not pass! 15W ? on second thoughts, run away!."

    1. Hey thanks, Zhu!

      The Thistlewood was a quick one put together by my son who acted as GM. He had detailed floorplans and dioramas for each of the houses. Was very impressive. Although, this little Thistlewood is but a humble preview to our Blogging Friend Springsinfeld's glorious project!

      And yeah, just let that Balrog pass already! None of us be foes for him! As always, Zhu, great to have you here!

  4. Beautiful shots, Private W! I really like the old-style filter that you used -- it adds to the old style feeling on the miniatures (I especially love that classic Balrog -- he's one of the greats from my childhood).

    1. Hi Matthew,

      Thank you! Playing with the filter was fun and produced moments of happy time-travel as well as slightly feeding the dream to one day stumble upon some forgotten fantasy battle report from some forgotten time in the early 80's - dreams of type-written text and blurry, grainy, washed out images of beautiful old miniatures in day...hopefully...And yes, that Balrog is one the greats, isn't he? Such a simple sculpt but oozing such character, power and menace. I love him too!

      Thanks for stopping by, Matthew!

  5. I missed this post.... great to see another Thistlewood village in the making. Hope things are ok with you. I've just fired up my fantasy stuff again.

    1. Hey Springsinfeld!

      I am just seeing your comment now! Great to have you pop by! As my son and I were playing the Thistlewood game I was thinking of you and your wonderful Thistlewood project. I actually was thinking of not posting this for fear in might tread on your work but then I changed my mind feeling that it would be fun to throw another Thistlewood out there. Anyway, great that you are posting again! I am off to your fantastic blogs right now!

  6. Come back to us, Private W.! We miss you!

  7. I have that metal giant(?) with club but use him in my 1/32 games, sometimes as a Viking!

  8. For the record, I would like to say that I miss this blog. One of my all time favourites.
