-"Oi, I vas jus' finkin' 'ow I's ain't see o' fower inna lon' time."
-"Hey, cut that high-faluting High Orc around us! You're among friends."
-"Sorry, sometimes I get so nervous. I was just thinking about how I haven't seen a flower in such a long time. And sorry, my Analyst says breaking out into High Orc is just a compulsive defense mechanism to cope with my extreme self-consciousness about my teeth."
-"Oh, I can only dream what your Mother would say if she knew you were still in Frorkian Analysis!"
-"Ho-ho-ho", chuckle the other Orcs.
-"Hey! What's that over there??!!"
-"Golden Orcs!!"
-"Golden Orcs?"
-"Yes, Golden Orcs. I should know. I once saw a Golden Demon."
-"No. You have never seen nor ever will see a Golden Demon!"
-"Perhaps some horrible creature turned these Orcs into gold?"
-"Perhaps it was that horrible creature!!!!!"
-"Run for it dear friends!"
-"But I just came out to say, 'hello'."
-"Nobody ever wants to play with us..."